You can be two of those things at any time. NEVER be all three. If you’re dumb and lazy be fast; get shit done so you can sit your fatass on the couch. Sometimes progress is all they are looking for so striving for good enough instead of good is […]
Sometimes you gotta run like a bitch
Due to my paranoia and thorough planning I want you to embrace my worst case scenario mindset. There’s no shame in being a smart survivor. Sometimes you’re faced with insurmountable odds; it’s better to live to avenge the fallen than it is to die for nothing. Have a plan of […]
My take on the OODA loop
The OODA Loop is a military thought process that’s used for basically every situation. I will spare you the history lesson but if you’re interested your lazy ass can look it up on wikipedia, the world’s at your fingertips use the internet to your advantage. OODA loop is an acronym […]
Jiminy Cricket
There’s a little tiny voice inside of you that if you listen will guide you to doing the right thing. IF you listen hard enough to that voice it will be a thunderous bellow from the cliffs of Olympus shouted from Zeus’s own fucking mouth. Like I said that voice […]
Attitude is Altitude
In life you will be faced with many many situations. Not all of them will be good; Some will downright suck ass. How you face those situations says a whole helluvalot about you. Some people curl up into little balls and wish to be in a nursery, dont be that […]