“Awash in a sea of poo”

So, Walker and I are in the garage slugging away at baseballs. Amber peaks her head through the door and goes “hey Ima need you to come in here and assess this situation.” Perplexed Im like ok and follow her into the bathroom. Lincoln, who is just a little sea monkey, is obsessed with baths and takes like 5 a day. I guess he couldn’t wait to go splishy splash and foregoed any pit stops on the toilet and dropped just a massive deuce in his bath water, like seriously the sheer volume was astounding how could that much come out of someone so little and how could a diaper ever restrain such an unfathomable amount of poo.  Now you’re probably thinking awe there’s just some little Lincoln logs floating around in there. Uh no, Lincoln’s fiber intake is pretty high so think more loose and fluffy with a toddler agitating the water like a washing machine. My son was literally awash in a sea of poo. Now anyone who knows me knows I draw the line at poo (i do change diapers tho) I took one look and said, “Thats a lot of shit” situation assessed. Good luck Amber, she’s such a saint.

Rating: 1 out of 5.