That’s an old saying in the military. In a nutshell it means be prepared. You have to objectively think about what the mission needs, possible obstacles, consumable items you can run out of, risks to equipment or personnel. You going camping? Might need a tent, might need a sleeping bag, might need a source of heat, You might also need a shit ton of diarrhea medicine cause you didn’t properly think about having a source of potable water. You need a way to purify that water you can make sure that heat source is an open flame so bring matches, a lighter, and a magnifying glass so you have multiple ways to start a fire based on the situations your facing.
Essentially whenever you have a finite resource make sure you have either a large back stockpile of supplies or an easy way to replenish those resources. If you can’t make either of those happen look for ways you can make something else work.
Being efficient is something I greatly respect sometimes one item can take the place of many. Having a specialty tool is great, it usually makes whatever task your doing so much easier but its not exactly practical to carry a sledge into the woods with you so you can drive stakes into the ground. What’s something that you could take in place that could double in other areas? Off the top of my head heres something you can use that you dont even have to carry with you; a big fucking rock. You can drive those stakes easily with that, you can use a rock as an anchor, you can use a rock as a weapon, you can use a rock as a mortar and pestle, you can use a rock as a pillow if you’re man enough. Be efficient, Be prepared. Be the person who is always ready, those people are everyone’s best friend.