Attitude is Altitude

In life you will be faced with many many situations.  Not all of them will be good; Some will downright suck ass.  How you face those situations says a whole helluvalot about you.  Some people curl up into little balls and wish to be in a nursery, dont be that guy.  Be the guy who says bring it the fuck on.  Be the man who people look to for guidance.  Believe in yourself and your god given abilities to rise to the occassion.  Be the source of hope for those around you.  In those tough situations there is always opportunity.  Opportunity to learn, opportunity to grow, opportunity to prove yourself.  Steel is tempered by getting hot and having the shit beat out of it.  The weak break under pressure.  Pain adds character and gives you awesome stories to tell the chicks, or dudes, whatever Im not judging.  

Regardless face every situation with a positive, resilient determination.  If you are in charge everyone under you will look to you for how to react to whatever is going on.  If you are crying in the corner, they will cry in the corner with you.  If you laugh and YEEEEEHAAAAWWWW at the challenge how can they not look at you with unwavering respect and raw sexual energy.  You control the morale of everyone around you, act like it. Every job, situation, place has a reason for you being there. There are no accidents It is fate find the lesson in every situation.

No matter the situation If you grab it by the balls and make it your bitch how can you lose?