In life you will be faced with many many situations. Not all of them will be good; Some will downright suck ass. How you face those situations says a whole helluvalot about you. Some people curl up into little balls and wish to be in a nursery, dont be that […]
Life is about the quiet moments. The moments you get to treasure and reflect upon all your happiest memories. Tonight was no such night for me. Perhaps some of you remember that my dog decided to remodel my bathroom. My porcelain throne is no longer a safe place for me […]
“Awash in a sea of poo”
So, Walker and I are in the garage slugging away at baseballs. Amber peaks her head through the door and goes “hey Ima need you to come in here and assess this situation.” Perplexed Im like ok and follow her into the bathroom. Lincoln, who is just a little sea […]
This is just a wtf moment
So let me tell you about my night. I’ll preface this with I have 4 dogs 2 great Danes, a great Pyrenees and a rottweiler named Sho ‘Nuff. All massive dogs. They regularly get into wrestling matches that shake the house, except for the Great Pyrenees(Kasper) who is more […]
Does a Walker sh*t in the woods?
They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but a tornado must’ve taken mine for a ride cause I wasn’t like this. The last couple of days my boys have given me some head-scratching moments. Let me just set the scene. Chapter 1: Walker Texas Ranger So, we […]