We are all put on this planet for a reason. Whatever grand scheme or design you think your a part of find your place in it. No matter what you’re doing job, task, or endeavor you have to find what drives you. I am a humble man and don’t believe I am anything special or destined for great things. I have found my purpose that brings me joy and value to my life to be a teacher, coach, mentor. To positively influence others lives and help them achieve their goals. Their success is my success. You have to find yours, whether its curing cancer, inventing something, or serving your country. You have to find that goal and you need to take the steps necessary to start accomplishing that goal. Find what brings you joy and makes you feel good about yourself. That will lead you to your purpose. It can be as humble as mine or as grand as the great pyramids. But you are here for a reason don’t go into that long night without having done everything you can to making it happen.