
Do you know what glory is?  Glory is the cheer of the crowd, the praise of your peers, the pounding in your chest, the feeling that Im fucking awesome. Glory is the memories you have of what you have accomplished.  When you look back on your life those are the things you remember.  NO ONE can ever take glory away from you once you have tasted it.  The bad part about glory is once you’ve tasted it thats all you want an insatiable thirst for more glory.  How do you get more glory?  By having no regrets. Don’t lie your head down on your pillow thinking man if Id of just ran a little faster, Dived for that ball, Held on just a second longer, or pushed a little bit harder. DO IT NOW. The time is now for you to give everything you’ve fucking got;  cause no one is just going to hand you glory. You’ve got to earn it, with blood, sweat, tears and pain.  The price for glory is steep and you’ve got to pay for it.  So go out there and seize your fucking moment and never say die.  Victory comes to those that silence the voice of self-doubt. Believe you can break their will and you won’t be stopped.