Jiminy Cricket

There’s a little tiny voice inside of you that if you listen will guide you to doing the right thing.  IF you listen hard enough to that voice it will be a thunderous bellow from the cliffs of Olympus shouted from Zeus’s own fucking mouth.  Like I said that voice guides you to the right decision.  Let’s say you’re walking in and there’s some trash in the parking lot, you say to yourself,”self someone should pick that shit up.”  Well guess what motherfucker who is better to pick it up then you? You got two hands and a strong will, be better than all the lazy turds around you.  Listen to that voice, Take the hard right over the easy wrong. God, yahweh, Odin, Gaia, The Universe, Whatever divine power you believe in is watching and will smile down upon you and bestow with the gifts of your righteous endeavors.  Good things will just start happening as long as you listen to that voice. The second you start ignoring it is the first step to failure.  We don’t fail. Complacency will get you fucking killed.