Think back on every teacher, coach, mentor, boss, or instructor you’ve ever had. They all had a lesson to teach you a skill you could learn. Some have taught you things that don’t work and that’s just as valuable. Find their lessons and piecemeal a cocktail of indomitable will. Look for all of their best qualities. Think back on the things they did or said and how they made you feel. Cause those same things will have the same effect on someone else it makes no difference if its coming from you.
You have to find what motivates people. Some want money, some power, some time for their loved ones. You find what drives them and help them get that and I promise they will have your back you need them.
You have to talk to your people, find out their interests. Find their hobbies, find their passions. When you know that you can talk to them in terminology that they can now understand they will receive the message so much more clearly and be able to execute so much more effectively. It also shows them that you care about them and want them to be successful.
If you need someone to do something extra sometimes you just have to talk to them about it. Most people want to be helpful but they want a say in their life too. So if you need someone to work an extra shift ask them don’t tell them.
I always say have an iron fist in a velvet glove. What I mean by that is be respectful treat people like they are human beings and they will respect you for that but sometimes people need a firm hand to drop the hammer and just tell them what to do. It’s up to you to find that judgement.
Lead by example. If you’re sitting on your ass but telling them they cant be lazy, they aren’t going to follow you anywhere. You have to hold yourself to the same standards you expect of others. You are the standard you are what they have to strive to be. I always tell people when Im fucked up you can be fucked up.
We suffer together don’t let people get destroyed when you have the power to set them up for success. If they are dying while you are sitting on your ass you’re letting them down. They are trusting you to have their backs. You only get so far by yourself. You can get much further with a pack.
Be confident in your decisions whether right or wrong if you look like you don’t know what you’re doing someone will take your place. If you don’t know the answer to something find it.
Talk to people like they are human beings. You are no better than anyone else. Just because you have a position or title doesn’t make your worth as a human being any different. We all end up dead just hope that when you die people will keep your memory alive and not piss on your grave.