Think back on every teacher, coach, mentor, boss, or instructor you’ve ever had. They all had a lesson to teach you a skill you could learn. Some have taught you things that don’t work and that’s just as valuable. Find their lessons and piecemeal a cocktail of indomitable will. Look […]
If you’re always ahead; you’re never behind
That’s something I always tell people when I’m training them at something. Essentially what I a mean is have a plan. Life is a chess match. If you’re always just reacting to what the opposition is doing you will always lose. You HAVE to think 5 moves ahead anticipate what […]
Do you know what glory is? Glory is the cheer of the crowd, the praise of your peers, the pounding in your chest, the feeling that Im fucking awesome. Glory is the memories you have of what you have accomplished. When you look back on your life those are the […]
Identify the Problem
The first step in problem solving is identifying the problem. That seems soooo simple right? It’s not. I don’t know how many times someone has texted me or called me and said Hey “this” is broken what do I do? Regardless of whatever “this” is very specifically identify “what” is […]
Dip American
I’m not trying to advocate for the sweet delicious aroma of a fresh can of wintergreen copenhagen, long cut of course. I’m saying be loyal to something or someone. Like that of a dog. Unwavering and unfaltering. If you’re going to follow someone (they better be fucking awesome) follow them […]