Sometimes you gotta run like a bitch

Due to my paranoia and thorough planning I want you to embrace my worst case scenario mindset.  There’s no shame in being a smart survivor. Sometimes you’re faced with insurmountable odds; it’s better to live to avenge the fallen than it is to die for nothing. Have a plan of egress.  Know where the exits are know where safety is know how long it takes your fat ass to run 100 yards. No exit? Seek cover or concealment, the eye is drawn to movement. In a potential mass casualty situation a shooter isn’t going to just blindly fire at desks and bushes they are going to be aiming for masses of bodies funnelled into exits.  A bush isn’t going to stop a bullet but it can hide your fatass long enough to come up with a plan or find an opportunity to safely escape.  Remember the average person can move 21 feet in the time it takes the average person to draw their weapon, aim, and shoot.  If you’re close enough you can subdue a threat before they can bring harm or escape.  Use your judgement.  This can metaphorically apply to many situations.  Basically it’s ok to run away and survive for another day.